Thursday, May 5, 2011

Green Up

St. Johnsbury has big plans for Greening up.
Locals are trying to get together to make St. Johnsbury more clean, not only for the community, but also for people coming in and out of town for various reasons.  They feel that making St. Johnsbury cleaner could have a big effect on bringing more people into the artsy town.
            Town officials believe that if everyone comes together, the process will speed up and can get done fairly quickly.  Also, if the turn out of people seems to be quite large, they may think about doing it more than once a year in consideration of the town. 
            Anyone willing to participate in the activities should head to St. Johnsbury and do something fun and easy for the sake of the town and all citizens.

Dan Nichols

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Election results

School Moderator: Bernier Mayo
School District Treasurer: Jo-Ann Sherrer Reed
School Director: Werner Heidemann
School Director: Becky A Baldauf
Article 1 (School Budget): Yes
Article 2 (Collect Taxes): Yes
Town Moderator: Bernierr Mayo
Town Clerk: Sandra Grenier
Town Treasurer: Sandra Grenier
Selectperson: Jim Rust
Selectperson: Alan Ruggles
First Constable: Gilbert H Roberts
Town Grand Juror: Bernier Mayo
Town Agent: Edward C. Zuccaro
Public Money Trustee: Conrad Doyon
Agent/ Convey Real Estate: lawrence R. Donna
Article 3 (General Fund): Yes
Article 4 (Highway Fund): Yes
Article 5 (Service Fund Budget): Yes
Article 6 (Highway and Special Service tax): Yes
Article 7 (Business property): Yes
Article 8 (Parking lots): Yes
Article 9 ( Welcome Center): Yes
Article 10 (Raise property Taxes): Yes
Article 11 (Raise Property Taxes): Yes
Article 12 (Raise Property Taxes): Yes
Article 13 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 14 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 15 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 16 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 17 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 18 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 19 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 20 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 21 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 22 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 23 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 24 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 25 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes
Article 26 (Raise Property Taxes) : Yes

*If you would like to know full details on each article go to the Town Warning Page

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

St. Johnsbury Town Meeting

            The St. Johnsbury town meeting took off with Ralph Nelson, Town Manager, talking to the community about the articles and warning.
            After a presentation of a proposal to upgrade the Pomerleau building in downtown St. Johnsbury, people of the community seemed concerned.  Questions were asked regarding the tax increase that this would bring to the local citizens.
            The Pomerleau building renovation would cost about 1.4 million and because of the expense there will be an increase in people’s property taxes.  There were opposing views about this, but the majority were in favor of it.  Many people voiced their opinions, but in the end everyone agreed that the Pomerleau building renovation would be an improvement for everybody, including the policemen and fire fighters that would move into the current office space for town officials.
            Supporters say that the Pomerleau renovations will help the tourist industry.  The building is on Main Street and a focal point for the town.  This building will be there for everyone to see, coming in and out of town.           
            The town meeting showed that St. Johnsbury is ready for change and it will take place in the near future.

Town Meeting Photos

Monday, February 28, 2011

Town Officials

Ralph Nelson
Town Manager

Sandra Grenier
Town Treasurer

Ida Rainville
Executive Secretary

Larry Sharer
Asst. Town Clerk & Registrar

Dianne Perkins
Water & Sewer Billing

Patricia Wakeham

Rich Leighton
Police Chief

Troy Ruggles
Fire Department Chief

Dan Scott
Water & Sewer Department

Gary Bumps
Highway Department

Pomerleau Building

St. Johnsbury is waiting on the towns vote to be able to complete the renovations for the Pomerleau building. 

The building right now is home to the Welcome Center in St. Johnsbury, but because the building is so big, it costs more to heat it than any other building in the town. 

“Three years ago they came up with a plan to renovate the entire building because the space was being wasted,” Town Manager Ralph Nelson said. “This year I came with a plan to renovate the rest, instead of wasting all the money on heating an area that no one is working in.”

They need the voter’s decision first because if they don’t get the votes they may end up having to sell the building.

“Tax payers make the final decision because we are going to have to take out a bond and pay it over 20 years which will end up becoming part of their property tax,” Nelson said.

The renovated part of the Pomerleau building will then hold the town clerk’s office, the town managers offices, and an area that will be rented out. 

“My offices have been here for a long time and it would be better if all the important offices were in the same spot,” Nelson said.  “The public safety offices will move into my space, which will give the fire department more room.”

The vote takes place Tuesday March 1st from 10AM- 7PM so we will await the outcome. 

Town Meeting

The town meeting will be tonight at 7 p.m. at the St. Johnsbury School. The voting will take place tomorrow at the Lively Center on Summer st.